
WELCOME HOME to all our Parishioners of St. Francis of Assisi Parish. We are here because God calls us here and we want to be here!

PLEASE NOTE: Office hours are, Monday through Thursday from 9:00 AM until 3:00 PM

LENTEN MASS SCHEDULE – Daily Mass will be celebrated at 9:00AM with the exception of Tuesday when Mass will be celebrated at 6:15 PM. Stations of the Cross will take place each Friday of Lent at 7:00 PM. Divine Mercy along with Lenten Lamentations and Benediction will be held on Sundays of Lent at 3:00 PM.

$5.00 TICKET – St. Francis Fundraising Committee is selling a $5.00 ticket to go off April 1st evening Daily Number. Winner gets $500, $250 one number above, $250 one number below. Tickets sold before all Masses. Your support is deeply appreciated.

MEN’S CLUB CORNHOLE – St. Francis Men’s Club will be hosting a Cornhole Tournament on Sunday, March 9th and 23rd at the Activity Center at 134 Barron Avenue. Registration starts at 12 Noon and games start at 1:00PM. $5.00 entry fee. Men, Women, Couples and Singles welcome! Payouts for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams! Food & Drinks available. Bring your own beer!

SIGHT & SOUND BUS TRIP – on August 5th to see “NOAH” at a 3:00 PM show time. For more details, please contact Fran King at (814)536-3667.

FISH FRY – St. Francis of Assisi Parish will have a Fish Fry on Friday, March 21, 2025 and Friday, April 4, 2025 at the Activity Center, corner of D Street and Barron Avenue. A LUNCH SPECIAL (Fried Fish Sandwich and French Fries, no substitutions) will be offered from 11AM until 1:00PM (Take Out Only). The full menu will be served from 2:00PM – 6:00PM, eat in or take out. Orders for lunch and dinner will be taken from 9:00AM until 1:00 PM on the day of the fish fry by calling 814-539-3518. We welcome walk-ins, but strongly suggest that orders be placed in advance. Meals will be served while supplies last.

CALLING ALL ALTAR SERVERS, EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS & LECTORS – Any and all Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors, we are in dire need on Saturdays at the 4:00 PM Mass. We also need Servers, Ministers and Lectors for Sunday Masses. If you are able and willing to serve, please contact the Parish Office. (814) 539-1632.

OREMUS MINISTRY (PRAYER CHAIN) – We are seeking new members for the Oremus Ministry. If you would be willing to help people in need through prayer, Please contact the Parish Office at (814)539-1632.

PLEASE DO NOT bring any religious items (books, pamphlets, rosaries, etc.) to the Church because of ongoing concerns for sanitation. Thanks for your cooperation.

REMINDER: Deadline for bulletin announcements is Wednesday at Noon.

The Community of Believers kept adding more and more men & women to this new community of THE WAY. The GOOD NEWS was spreading like wild fire all throughout the Mediterrean Basin of the known world in the years following the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ. The Apostles were following the instructions of Jesus: GO OUT TO THE WHOLE WORLD AND BAPTIZE ALL PEOPLES & NATIONS – BAPTIZE THEM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, and of the SON and of the HOLY SPIRIT. Do you have a story to tell about your conversion to Catholicism? Are you willing to share that story? Your name can be revealed or you may remain anonymous. Please send your story to me (Fr. Anthony Francis) and I will be honored to share your story with the Parishioners of our parish and those who visit our website.

What’s Your Story – Edward Boothe
What’s Your Story – Cindy Shorto

COMMUNION CALLS TO HOMEBOUND – If you or someone you know would to have the Eucharist brought to them at home please contact Francis Bazyk at 539-4945 to schedule a day and time that you would like to receive Our Lord in Holy Communion.

THE 7-DAY VOTIVE CANDLES on the Sacred Heart Altar, below the picture of Divine Mercy, on the Altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary and under the picture of Pope St. John Paul the Great are available upon request to be lit for your intention. Please contact the Parish Office for your request. Please place your donation in an envelope marked Candles and place it in the locked box on the back wall between the statues of St. Jude and St. Clare of Assisi.

From Bishop Mark Bartchak

Bishop’s Directives Confession

Bishop’s Directives Eucharist

Message from Bishop Mark – May 13, 2020
Bishop Reminds Faithful of Perfect Act of Contrition

NEEDED: Altar Servers, Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Please consider taking part in our Liturgies by serving in one (or more) of these ministries. Adults are welcome as Altar Servers, especially to assist at Daily Mass and Funeral. Contact the Parish Office if interested. Training will be provided.

VOCATION CRUCIFIX- A special Crucifix that travels from family to family ordinarily for 1 week to inspire prayer for vocations is available here at St. Francis of Assisi. The purpose of the Traveling Vocations Crucifix is to intercede for vocations and encourage children to consider a Priestly or Religious vocation themselves. The Crucifix represents the sacrifice Jesus made for us by dying on the Cross. Enthrone it in a highly visible place in your home and pray together once each day for vocations. You may use the prayers included with the Crucifix, or substitute them with the Rosary or another simple prayer (such as the Our Father, Hail Mary, or the Glory Be). Each week the Crucifix travels to a new family.
The Traveling Vocations Crucifix is a wonderful way to unite Parishes in perpetual prayer for more Priestly and Religious vocations. If you or your family is interested in taking part in the Traveling Vocations Crucifix program, please contact the Parish Office at 539-1632. The case with the Vocation Crucifix is now located in the main vestibule for the taking. Please sign the signup sheet so that we are aware of where the Vocation Crucifix is located.

STAY INFORMED AND ENGAGED IN DIOCESAN NEWS – The Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown has launched an on-line newspaper Proclaim! : The Good News of Altoona-Johnstown featuring Diocesan news, information, and commentary- including happenings at parishes and schools. Visit the site at and sign up for regular e-mail updates delivered to your inbox. Beginning soon, monthly editions of The Catholic Register will be available here at the parish. COPIES OF THE CATHOLIC REGISTER are available in all three vestibules. Please ONLY ONE COPY PER FAMILY.

ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI YOUTH FAITH FORMATION PROGRAMS– Our Faith Formation Goals are simple: We aim to grow in love of God and ourselves and to spread that love to those around us. We aim to have our young people find community with each other and feel part of our parish family. Faith formation is life long and ongoing. It is an important part of your child’s life. She/he should be attending classes whether or not it is a sacramental year. All classes meet in Resurrection Parish Center on Chestnut St. Classes for our youth are held from September 8 until the beginning of May. Pre-K through eighth grade classes meet Sunday after the 9:30AM Mass until Noon. 9TH AND 10TH COFIRMATION CLASSES WILL ALSO TAKE PLACE ON SUNDAY at the Resurrection Oratory from after the 9:30AM Mass until Noon. THE 11TH GRADE CONFIRMATION CLASS will meet the second Sunday of each month at the Rectory. REGISTRATION FORMS CAN BE FOUND IN THE VESTIBULE OF THE CHURCH or by using the link below. Sacramental preparation and celebration of the Sacraments of Penance / Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation is to be parish based and family inclusive. It is presumed that candidates and their parents participate weekly at Sunday Mass at their parish. Parish based sacramental preparation is in addition to education in either the Catholic School or home schooling.

As the Pastor of your Parish I am pleased to see how generous you are with your TREASURE which is used for all our operating expenses. Your generosity is also noted for special collections, mission appeals and other extraordinary purposes such as our new undertaking of foodstuffs (weekly) for the St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen.
I am truly grateful for your TREASURE. Now I am making an appeal for your TIME and TALENT. Have you considered volunteering to be a member of the PARISH COUNCIL or FINANCE COUNCIL? These councils meet ordinarily once a month (FINANCE COUNCIL 2nd Thursday of the month from 6-8PM; PARISH COUNCIL 3rd Thursday of the month from 6-8PM).
I am also making an appeal for new members for our various ministries – EXTRORDINARY MINISTERS of HOLY COMMUNION, LECTORS, ADULT ALTAR SERVERS (weekdays and funerals), YOUNG ALTAR SERVERS (weekends), USHERS and COLLECTORS (weekend Masses), CHOIR MEMBERS (practice on Wednesday evenings, 9:30AM Mass and other special celebrations), Men’s Club, (new) Rosary Society), Liturgy Committee. If you are interested, please complete the enclosed registration form and return it via the collection basket or mail it to the Parish Office.
Thank you so very much for your prayerful consideration of offering your TIME and TALENT to your Parish.
May the Lord Bless you and keep you.

fr. Anthony Francis

ONLINE GIVING, a web-based electronic application is now being offered to our parishioners. We are providing this service so that you have the option to manage your contributions online or with your envelopes. This service is safe and secure. Sign up for Online Giving by visiting our website: and selecting the Online Giving link.

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