Religious Education

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES – are scheduled to begin on Sunday, September 24 from 10:45AM until 12Noon IN PERSON at Resurrection Parish Center. Registration forms can be found in the Main Vestibule of the Church. Catholic School Sacrament Prep form is Green, Public School Students form is Blue, Catholic School 1st Communion and Confirmation Registration form is Purple. Please register your child/children as soon as possible so that books and other materials can be ordered. Sacramental preparation and celebration of the Sacraments of Penance/Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation are parish based. Parish based Sacramental preparation is in addition to education in either the Catholic School or home schooling. This means at Students enrolled in Catholic Elementary Middle School or High School are required to attend only Sacrament Preparation Classes with Public School Students. These dates will be announced soon.

ATTENTION PARENTS of STUDENTS of the RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM of St. Francis of Assisi Parish: A Diocesan Form: A STUDENT RELEASE, WAIVER of LIABILITY and INDEMNITY AGREEMENT must be signed by a Parent/Guardian before the child/children can begin to attend classes.

Please Note: Sacramental preparation and celebration of the Sacrament of First Eucharist is to be parish based and family inclusive. It is presumed that candidates and their parents participate weekly at Sunday Mass at their parish. Parish based sacramental preparation is in addition to education in the Catholic school, parish religious education program or home schooling.

First Reconciliation – Children preparing for this Sacrament are usually in second grade or above. They also should have an elemental awareness of sin and Christ’s forgiveness through the Sacrament of Penance. Students who are attending Catholic School are required to attend Religious Education Classes for sacramental preparation. First Reconciliation will be held on Saturday, March 19th at 10:00AM. 

First Communion – Children preparing for this Sacrament are usually in second grade or above. They should also be able to distinguish between ordinary bread and the Eucharist. Students who are attending Catholic School are required to attend Religious Education Classes for sacramental preparation. First Communion will be held on Sunday, May 5th.

If you have or are a student attending Bishop McCort Catholic School – please contact the Parish Office in order to ensure that you can be made aware of the retreats, etc. required for Confirmation. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Confirmation – Candidates for Confirmation must be in ninth grade or above.
Please note: If you have a young person who was not enrolled last year and would like to have them be part of our Religious Education Program or have any questions please call Deacon Bruce Becker at (814) 288-7127

 Deacon Bruce Becker

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